Browse our Call for Evidence examples


Hand gathering shellfish

Hand gathering shellfish

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. We are running this consultation in conjunction with our fisheries management plan to find out where hand fishing of shellfish takes place in the area. The shellfish industry is an important contributor to the UK economy and is worth over £250 million annually. Shellfish farming, particularly of mussels and oysters, accounts for a large part of the...

Report an issue

Report an issue

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. We are always interested in hearing about ways we can improve the city and make it a more enjoyable and safe place for everyone to live in. It is vital we hear from you when you experience problems or something you don't like around the city - click on the link below to let us know of any issues you have encountered so we can make Arlen Hill a...

Report traffic disruption

Report traffic disruption

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. We are currently undertaking four priority highway improvement schemes. When completed these schemes will greatly improve traffic flow and local journey times. We are striving to minimise traffic disruption during the construction period of the schemes, but we would like to hear your experiences of whether there have been delays to your...

Arlen Hill character area study

Arlen Hill character area study

This is an example activity for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded. We are preparing a new character area study for Arlen Hill. A character area study helps determine what the characteristics are that contribute towards making a town distinctive. By understanding the existing characteristics we can enhance and promote positive development, which is responsive and suited to the local character. Providing...

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